Thursday, April 2, 2009

‘Puttin’ on the Ritz’

Favorites art Art Park whenever they return are The Plaids, (from left to right) Larry Mitchell, Fred White and Rusty Groos. (Missing member Ed Fitzsimmons is represented by the Canned Ham.)

Updated: 04.01.09
A lot of excited people played “Dress Up” at Art Park Theatre on Saturday, March 28, as they anticipated the variety show, “Puttin’ on the Ritz.”

In the lobby, guests were greeted with the sight of sophisticatedly decorated round tables filled brim to brim with delectable finger foods. The caterer, Sherry Hale, was ably assisted by scores of Art Park volunteers and the result was elegant-looking, as well as wonderfully tasty.

Each table was classy with black and silver appointments entwined with ropes of pearls. As participants ambled among the tables filling their plates, Dr. Tommy Hysler entertained with piano selections. Eating at Art Park is always a pleasure, because the seating arrangements are comfortable for dining or watching a show.

Promptly at 8 o’clock, Emcee Rusty Groos opened with his own brand of hilarious comments. He reiterated his support of education and revealed that he had a 4.0 when graduating from college – however, that was not his GPA, it was his blood alcohol level!

One of his first announcements was an explanation of the Canned Ham Award to be given to the act on the program receiving the most monetary support from the audience. Murline Staley, the Tip Fairy (or as she preferred, the Tip Queen) circulated throughout the theater with her huge crystal goblet collecting donations for Mead-Holm Scholarships, awarded to theater students.

Interspersed between musical acts was something new for Art Park and proved to be very enjoyable.

Fashions from Casanova’s Downfall and Adelaide’s were modeled by local ladies AND gentlemen: Arnold Adair, Bennie and Christina Boles, Beckie S. Cobb, Brenda Cothran, Gaylyn DeVine, Beth Dombrowa, Jim Fox, Charles Garrison, Greg Grigg, Thane Harrison, Larry Johnson, Sharon McLean, Donna Mills, Darrell Morrison, Dana Philibert, Rae Sinor, Chris Swanson, Donna Thomas, Ryan Taylor, Dana Tuggle, Sheri Vaughn, Grady West, Holly Williamson and Sandra Womack.

From Barbra Streisand’s role in “Funny Girl,” Julianne McBride belted out her version of “Don’t Rain on My Parade,” while Tyler Duke and Margo Staley giggled their way through a cute “Romeo and Juliet.”

Then the stage was filled with Art Park kids bringing “Consider Yourself” from “Oliver


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